#!/bin/bash # Exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status. set -e # Function to print error messages error_exit() { echo "Error: $1" >&2 exit 1 } # Check if the current directory ends with /left4dead2/addons current_dir=$(pwd) expected_dir="/left4dead2/addons" if [[ ! "$current_dir" == *"$expected_dir" ]]; then error_exit "Script must be run from your L4D2 \"addons\" folder. Current directory: $current_dir" fi # Check for required commands for cmd in curl md5sum 7z; do if ! command -v "$cmd" >/dev/null 2>&1; then error_exit "Required command '$cmd' is not installed. Please install it and retry." fi done # URL of the CSV file CSV_URL="https://l4d2center.com/maps/servers/index.csv" # Temporary file to store CSV TEMP_CSV=$(mktemp) # Ensure temporary file is removed on exit trap 'rm -f "$TEMP_CSV"' EXIT echo "Downloading CSV from $CSV_URL..." curl -sSL -o "$TEMP_CSV" "$CSV_URL" || error_exit "Failed to download CSV." declare -A map_md5 declare -A map_links # Read CSV and populate associative arrays { # Skip the first line (header) IFS= read -r header while IFS=';' read -r Name Size MD5 DownloadLink || [[ $Name ]]; do # Trim whitespace Name=$(echo "$Name" | xargs) MD5=$(echo "$MD5" | xargs) DownloadLink=$(echo "$DownloadLink" | xargs) # Populate associative arrays map_md5["$Name"]="$MD5" map_links["$Name"]="$DownloadLink" done } < "$TEMP_CSV" # Get list of expected VPK files expected_vpk=("${!map_md5[@]}") # Remove VPK files not in expected list or with mismatched MD5 echo "Cleaning up existing VPK files..." for file in *.vpk; do # Check if it's a regular file if [[ -f "$file" ]]; then if [[ -z "${map_md5["$file"]}" ]]; then echo "Removing unexpected file: $file" rm -f "$file" else # Calculate MD5 echo "Calculating MD5 for existing file: $file..." current_md5=$(md5sum "$file" | awk '{print $1}') expected_md5="${map_md5["$file"]}" if [[ "$current_md5" != "$expected_md5" ]]; then echo "MD5 mismatch for $file. Removing." rm -f "$file" fi fi fi done # Download and extract missing or updated VPK files echo "Processing required VPK files..." for vpk in "${expected_vpk[@]}"; do if [[ ! -f "$vpk" ]]; then echo "Downloading and extracting $vpk..." download_url="${map_links["$vpk"]}" if [[ -z "$download_url" ]]; then echo "No download link found for $vpk. Skipping." continue fi # Download the .7z file to a temporary location TEMP_7Z=$(mktemp --suffix=.7z) curl -# -L -o "$TEMP_7Z" "$download_url" # Check if the download was successful if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Failed to download $download_url. Skipping." rm -f "$TEMP_7Z" continue fi # Extract the .7z file 7z x -y "$TEMP_7Z" || { echo "Failed to extract $TEMP_7Z. Skipping."; rm -f "$TEMP_7Z"; continue; } # Remove the temporary .7z file rm -f "$TEMP_7Z" else echo "$vpk is already up to date." fi done echo "Synchronization complete."